Keywords: Religions and the Environment; Study of Religion; Environmental philosophy; Rabindranath Tagore; Ecosophy; Ecotheology; Environmental Humanities; Indian philosophy; Advaita Vedanta; Yoga; Interfaith and peace building


Natash’s MA dissertation looked at the concept of prakṛti (nature) in the Bhagavad Gītā and its relevance to today’s environmental concerns. This formed the basis for her DPhil proposal, which looks at the environmental concerns of today from the perspective of the polymath, Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941). Tagore engaged with Nature and the environment in multiple ways and his vast literary outflow as well as his public lectures and private correspondence illustrate his deep sensitivity to and foresight of issues surrounding humans' relationship with and behaviour towards Nature, creation and creativity, modernity and ‘progress’, that can provide an alternative perspective and perhaps hopeful solutions to our contemporary environmental crisis.