Key Terms: Darwin Tree of Life (DToL), UK and Ireland, the target of sequencing the DNA barcodes, full genomes, Earth Biogenome Project, Wellcome Sanger Institute, species of animals, plants, fungi, protists, biodiversity, flora, fauna, Wytham Woods, scientists, conservationists, Public engagement, BugBlitz


She is the Schools Liaison and BugBlitz Coordinator for The Darwin Tree of Life Project at the University of Oxford, Wytham Woods. She plans & leads the Darwin Tree of Life BugBlitz workshops at Wytham Woods. This public engagement strand of the DToL project which aims to inspire scientists & conservationists of the future within the local area. This program also imbues in children a respect & understanding of the importance of insect life, promotes connections between researchers and primary school children, & weaves aspects of the primary science curriculum into a fun learning experience. 

Research Interests 

  • DNA sequencing
  • Conservation of local wildlife in Oxford
  • Insect biodiversity
  • School Outreach